Many (many) years ago, I was a lifeguard at an unremarkable community pool. I guess I was 16 because that was the legal age for such a job at the time. Most of the job was sitting atop the lifeguard chair, watching the people.
One of our duties was to get people (children really) to stop running around the edge of the pool. It's a slipping hazard on a hard surface and head injuries in water are particularly dangerous. And kids, enthusiastically playing, would run All. The. Time. When anyone yelled "don't run" they'd all turn to the noise, look surprised if you were looking at them, insist they weren't running, and keep on running. If you weren't looking at them, they'd keep running.
But if you yelled "walk", every kid on the pool edge would look anywhere but at the screaming lifeguard. And everyone would slow down and speed walk. Even the kids who were not the focus of your attention.
Ah, the power of positive instructions:
Tell people what to do, not what not to do.
So when I see flags or banners or pins or whatever, that say "Smash the patriarchy". I think, there has to be a better way to say that. Still, I love and own this little hammer pin here.

Some of those flags/mottos work:

Some ideas I can get behind:
Shop Local (especially your food sources; find a farmer's market.)
Or grow your own. Roger Doiron did a Ted Talk in 2011 and then morphed it into a 501c3 as Kitchen Gardeners International which then morphed into SeedMoney

I'm a knitter, a nature lover and a hermit. I'm an artist and a writer. I don't know how to fix the world. But I can cook.