Will writing this post help me recognize where I'm headed in time to make a course correction? I had better recap what led me to this particularly deep and twisted hole.
My über-task for the week, every week for the last month, is to develop a new web framework for my retirement project. You will find me already in a hole, trying to dig myself out, as I am now launching not one website but four. But let's not go there. Let's just assume that I have a plan.
I discovered that developing four websites in parallel, even with a common theme between them, quickly produced a browser window with 100+ tabs. My wife can beat that with just one topic but she's a knitter and they have their methods. How can any work with that many tabs?!?
My first solution was to organize my tabs into tab groups with nice labels and colors. Great, now I can add more tabs and get to the new problem of having too many tab groups, not knowing where I parked the info I found yesterday and want to use today. Worse, Chrome seems to have a bug that causes some tab groups to just disappear.
The second solution is to use multiple windows and a window manager extension to save and reload the window layout. This is great! Except I went from not knowing which tab group has my info to not knowing with window has it. This is because when I look at my window manager's view of my desktop, it shows me 10 chrome windows but not the title of the windows until I hover my mouse over a window.
Thus, this new rabbit hole has appeared and my mind started racing down it. How do I get my window manager to show titles of all the chrome windows without needing to hunt with a mouse hover. [I have not yet discovered that alt-tab will show the window titles.]
I can't stop.
I spent an hour trying to understand why my window manager sucks and that it can't do this simple thing; it can't show me an efficient way to find where I last put something.
But then I found a great rant that helped me understand that my window manager sucks at just about everything it should be doing. [Trust me, I already knew this.] So now I'm about ready to change my window manager and learn a new way to create my workflows.

I need help. I must stop, and I will right after I spend the weekend changing and optimizing my new window manager. I promise, after I dig out of this one last rabbit hole, I'll return to working on my über-task.