This is week 317, or week 6 since our re-launch, and I've been too busy to establish a weekly blog schedule. Shall that end this week? Let's make no promises or predictions...

It snowed for real on Thanksgiving, so I had to prioritize my winterization tasks quickly. Oddly, out of practice, I did not hear my wife say it was a real winter storm. The forecast from my favorite weather station called for 3 inches, while her forecast said 3-8 inches. And since we live in a small snow belt, literally our dirt road that runs parallel to the hills, we need to add 6 inches to any forecast.
I made priority one to protect our chicken flock from cold and wet wind and drifting snow.

I put off attaching the truck's snow plow because it would only be 3 inches. Sixteen inches later, I had to snow blow the driveway and create a path to the buried snow plow (and the chicken coop).

The snow blower is great for small tasks, and it can handle the whole driveway if necessary.
The next day, I made it down to the tire store and had them mount our winter tires. The roads were OK, and I delayed mounting the snowplow for as long as possible because, usually, it is a royal pain. Well, a new snowstorm started yesterday, so I moved the trailer out of the way, and quite surprisingly, I had the plow mounted without much effort.
After five days, I noticed that our summer tires were missing. I drove back to the tire store, where they were safely stacked and waiting for my return.

Note the snow overhang on the garage roof. We have the perfect metal roof pitch on both the garage and house that snow up to a foot will cling for weeks until warmer weather or high winds hit it.

Okay, that's our weekly update! I plan to stay inside and work on my online projects. For that, I will need a second pot of coffee. To all of our longtime friends, yes, we have cut back to just one pot per day. Sad.